November 26th, the day after Thanksgiving here in the U.S., is known as Black Friday. It has become a frenzied day of ultra-consumerism kicking off the holiday season. But you know what? You can opt out. Instead of battling the crazy hoards of shoppers, I plan to spend the day relaxing with my family. I will cook something special, including a spectacular dessert of some sort. Maybe we will play a game or start working on a puzzle. We will definitely watch a Christmas movie together. Doesn’t that sound better than getting up at the crack of dawn in order to fight with other shoppers over items you probably don’t need?
Christmas isn’t supposed to be about *stuff*. It should be about experiences like this one:
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jaci says
Does purchasing a Christmas tree count as "buying something"? I never participate in Black Friday because it is now officially the day we go get a tree. Cost? Gas plus the $10 permit.
Kristy says
i agree…christmas isn't about the stuff. That being said, I must admit the my family is guilty of going a little overboard during the holidays, but I think a lot of that has to do with the excitement over the prospect of getting together:) But when I look back and remember my Christmases growing up, it's the family traditions I remember, not the gifts. I love the fact that you are taking what has turned into horrific display of gluteny, and turned it into a cherished family tradition….I will take you up on the challenge, and ditch the shopping for a much more meaningful and memorable evening with my family. Who knows…I may even blog about it! 😉
crazyladyx5 says
I might need to hit the grocery store for milk and bread as that is our payday and my usual shopping day.. BUT I am hoping not too (even before I read this article). I will NOT be buying anything for Christmas or hitting any stores other than the grocery store.
mommy22ss says
Oh, I have never participated in the day after Thanksgiving shopping. I absolutely hate crowds and I think the spirit of Christmas is lost that day anyway. People seem to be so thoughtless and rude. We tend to just hang out at home and start our Christmas decorating or maybe go to a movie.
Adrienne says
This will be an easy challenge for me. I would rather get a root canal than deal with all the crowds and madness on Friday after Thanksgiving. I may need to go to the market though…other than that I'm hanging out with the family just like you!
Deanna Piercy says
It isn't my intention to judge others and their choices but merely to encourage people to make conscious decisions instead of getting caught up in excessive consumerism. My kids ended up going to Norman to shop today (after the early morning crowds dissipated!). Every Christmas we give each of the three of them cash and they take a shopping trip together after the holidays. For one reason or another they had never taken their trip after last Christmas. Justin and Chris had the day off so they decided they would all spend the day together. None of them are very materialistic and for the most part, they just enjoy the time together. They took one look at the crowds at the mall and chose, instead, to do some shopping at smaller, mostly local shops. As Kristy says, it isn't about the stuff but tradition and memories.