I still think “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” is one of the best ad campaigns ever. Here is a Christmas version: And here is the story of how this all came about. var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};
Memory Lane Monday – You can’t go home again
This past Saturday David and I drove all around where we grew up. We went by his old house, mine,my grandparents’ and cousins’, the church I attended as as child, his elementary school and many other places from our youth. While the drive did bring back some memories and a bit of nostalgia, neither of…
Memory Lane Monday…Grandma’s Bible
My dear grandmother not only left me a legacy of faith; she left me her Bible. I don’t know why she chose me to be the recipient of this precious gift but years ago she told me that she was leaving it to me. This is what she had written inside: Tucked between the…
Memory Lane Monday…Cassette tapes
My son’s Facebook status today was about cassette tapes and the death of the Sony Walkman. In the comments that followed were reminiscences of making mix tapes for friends and taping from a record player. It brought back memories of sitting by the radio with a tape recorder much like the one in the picture…
Memory Lane Monday…Leave it to Beaver
I was sorry to hear of the passing of Barbara Billingsley this past Saturday, October 16th, at the age of 94. She epitomized the ideal mom of the 50s in her role as June Cleaver on “Leave it to Beaver”. Her trademark pearls and heels are often joked about but I must admit there’s a…
Memory Lane Monday…Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
I watched this movie for the first time probably 20 years ago with cousins, I think on New Year’s Eve. I loved it the first time and I’ve loved it each of the perhaps dozen times I’ve watched it since. The clip below was used for a paint commercial a few years ago. It makes…
Memory Lane Monday…Retro Commercials
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Yes, my brain is chock-full of important stuff like that. And this one, which I can repeat word for word: Or how about this one? I’ve been known to forget my own cell phone number but I’ll never forget this number:…
Memory Lane Monday…Jergens Lotion
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. From blog photos I’m sure I’m only one of many for whom the cherry-almond scent of Jergens lotion brings back memories of their grandmothers. I had the privilege of growing up next door to one of my grandmas and spending huge amounts of time in her home. There are…
Memory Lane Monday…Shalimar
When I was growing up, my mom would take me shopping to the mall in San Bernardino which was about an hour from where we lived in the Mojave Desert. The two of us would stop by my dad’s business and he’d hand me a $20 bill to spend. It was his way of showing…