Hi, my name is Shiloh Beauregard Piercy but you can just call me Shiloh (Mom sometimes calls me Doodlebug but that’s kind of silly). Mom asked me to tell you a little about myself. I don’t really like to think about my life before Mom and Dad adopted me so let’s just talk about the…
Weekend Catch-up
The past three days have been a whirlwind of sorts. Friday was an absolute roller coaster of emotions. David and I spent the first few hours of the day providing emotional support for a couple of friends. It’s not my story to tell but I will say I was reminded of how difficult it is…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Our pitiful attempts to get a picture of Shiloh in David’s leprechaun hat: I think I need to get some dog training tips from Dooce.
Happy birthday, Shiloh!
Shiloh is a rescue dog so we don’t have any idea when his birthday is. I decided we should celebrate it on the day we brought him home which was a year ago today. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year! This adorable dog has brought so much joy into our lives. I never…
Here on Apple Tree Farm
I’ve got a busy, busy day ahead of me (Meals On Wheels, hair appointment, errands and a meeting of our city’s Multicultural Committee) so I’ll just share a few pictures this morning: My tomato plants are loaded and that makes me happy: I took this Sunday morning while walking Shiloh before church: And this one….
Hanging out at Apple Tree Farm
I had intended to plant some colorful flowers in this large bowl on our porch table but I think these are way cuter: Shiloh getting an early morning drink from the pond: There are homegrown tomatoes in my near future: We had a nice rain shower yesterday morning: Peace in the rain: I’m picking up…
HMF is going to the dogs
Not only do people enjoy Happyland Music Fest (HMF) but the dogs have a great time, too. This is Herman and this was his second year at HMF. (I wish I had taken one with a human next to him for size comparison. He is HUGE!) Calla is a veteran. She’s attended all five HMFs….
Happyland Music Fest – Part I
We are still trying to recover from Happyland Music Fest last weekend. I did get my kitchen clean and I moved all the stuff left in my family room to the exercise room and closed the door…which is my latest excuse for not getting on the treadmill. The house is basically back to livable standards….
In which I embrace my inner crazy cat lady
Just a wee glimpse into our life here on Apple Tree Farm. First up, a close-up of our sweet Shiloh’s precious face. He looks rather serious here: But he usually looks like he’s smiling: That last one was of him in all his furry glory, just after having the pins and external fixator removed from…
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