We had some thunderstorms toward morning which meant that Shiloh was by my side of the bed panting from about 5:30 on. I think we need to buy him a Thunder Shirt. I took him out for a walk at a little after 7 and boy, oh boy, was it chilly! I had been too warm all night upstairs but this was ridiculous. We had planned to go to the Funky Art Fair in town but then it started raining again and the temperature dropped into the upper 40s. I am totally unprepared for such a dramatic change. Fortunately it’s supposed to be back into the 70s tomorrow and remain warm the rest of the week.
Since we had a change of plans David installed our new wood blinds in the family room. I had selected the color at Home Depot when we ordered them and I was going totally off of color memory. Apparently I am really good at that color thing because they match our wood ceiling precisely. David was duly impressed. Aren’t they nice (I adjusted that little gap toward the top after I saw the photos)?
I hung the framed New Orleans map to the left yesterday. I’m not impressed with the quality of the frame but it was cheap. I’ll look for something better. And I’m still trying to decide on curtains.
Tomorrow is World Communion Sunday and I was asked to bake one of the loaves of bread. At first I thought I’d use my sourdough starter but then I realized I should have started it yesterday. Instead, I opted for a lovely, braided challah, a special Jewish bread eaten on Sabbath and holidays.
I baked one for church and one for us. As soon as I took it out of the oven, and after taking this photo, David and I had to “test” it. Oh, my. It is absolutely delicious. Very soft and slightly sweet. I think it will be wonderful for breakfast. Yes, I did “pin” it. You can see it on my Breads and Rolls Pinterest board.
Even though my recipe makes only one loaf, I hear that 'taste test' comment the moment the bread comes out, too, lol. So I divide it in two and make two smaller loaves. They look beautiful.
P.S. Like the blinds and the pillows on the couches.
Thanks, Terri. 🙂