Happy Christmas Eve! It’s after 11 p.m. here. We delivered some gifts this afternoon, had our traditional Christmas Eve dinner (grilled hot dogs – ha!) while watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, and then watched my favorite – It’s a Wonderful Life. I just finished wrapping the last of the gifts and stuffed the stockings. I’m tired!
But now is the time for me to get quiet for a little while and remember that Christmas is more than cooking and cleaning and wrapping presents. Several years ago I wrote a poem about Christmas Eve, inspired by our beautiful church and its candlelight Christmas Eve services. I’m missing that this year, especially singing in the choir. But I’m hopeful for the new year and trying to focus on my blessings even during this challenging year.
No matter your personal beliefs, I hope my little poem might bring you a moment of peace.

Christmas Eve
Stars pierce the fabric of the night sky
and steeple lights point the way.
Wrapped snug in velvet and wool
we come in anticipation…
and hope.
Gossamer angels reflect His glory
in windows arched toward heaven.
As music rises like a prayer
we drink in the patina of holiness…
and peace.
Bells ring out, glad carols are sung
of mangers, kings, and shepherds.
With bread and wine, and “thanks be to God!”
we celebrate His gift with humbleness…
and joy.
We share the Light one by one
’til all are lit by His glow.
Voices joined in heavenly peace,
we gaze upon a cross of sacrifice…
and love.
Wishing you a very special Christmas, my friends!

Beautiful poem.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you. Merry Christmas!