Are you participating? What do you plan to do? Do you know what I’m talking about? Tonight at 8 p.m., your local time, you can join me and millions of others around the world as we turn off our lights for one hour. Read more about it here and then leave me a comment telling me what you did during this hour. Well, let me re-phrase that. Tell me what you did if it is G-rated.
Chris will be here tonight with us for our *hour without power*. I’ve planned a three course meal by candlelight and Chris made a special “Earth Hour” cd mix for us to listen to on my iPod in its docking station. He’s charging it right now.
HomeandHearth says
I’m participating now! There’s not actually anything particularly exciting to report — I’m home alone for the whole hour.
I lit tealights around the house and unplugged the laptop (thankfully it has a long battery life). Perhaps I’ll catch up on my homework!