It’s been a lovely day, although I can’t really say there was much of a French theme to it. A Margarita isn’t French, right? Oh, I did have two mini croissants for breakfast so that counts. I had worked really hard yesterday getting all the housework done so I could do something different today. I didn’t have a French movie from Netflix as I had just returned the last series I had watched so I decided to watch “thirtysomething”. It was one of my very favorite shows when it was on and I’ve looked for it on DVD for several years. Not too long ago it became available and David bought the first season for me. I had only watched the pilot episode so far but today I decided to watch another episode. I ended up watching three!
I still love the show but those 80s fashions – uh, not so much. Whatever possessed us to think high-waisted jeans tapered down to a skinny ankle worn with tennis shoes and big hair was a good idea? Or what about the shoulder pads in women’s “power suits”? The men in their suspenders and baggy pants weren’t much better.
David and I haven’t been out for the past two weekends but I got a text message from a friend this afternoon asking us to join them for dinner. We had a nice Italian dinner with three dear friends, then just after they left and we were about to, another friend showed up for a little visit with us. As we were walking to our car we noticed our son’s car in the parking lot so we went back in to say hello. He and several friends were eating dinner so we chatted with them for a bit. We know all these *kids* and just love them to pieces. They are all so funny.
Now we are back home…fairly early for us…but David has a work day at the fire department in the morning. And then he will be working on the siding again (did I mention that?). I’ll try to remember to take some pictures. I still haven’t painted the bathroom but I hope to at least get it taped off tomorrow and spackle the nail holes. And I just might work in another episode or two of “thirtysomething”. Let’s hope those 80s fashions don’t start looking good to me!
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Cherie says
Of course your day was French – you spent it relaxing and with people you care about!
I used to love thirtysomething and haven't thought about it in years. I had forgotten about those terrible fashions.
Deanna Piercy says
Cherie: Good point about how I spent my day. As for the 80s fashions, those really are best forgotten.
Fiona says
Your day does sound lovely and relaxing, which is very French, as Cherie says. I used to love watching Thirtysomething. It's fun to revisit old favourites now they are being released on DVD. I'll keep an eye out for it!
Deanna Piercy says
Fiona, I watched another episode of thirtysomething yesterday. I'd forgotten how very different it was from everything else on television at that time. The writing was excellent and it addressed some rather deep issues. I'm really enjoying revisiting it.