One of the unexpected benefits of having a dog is that I now spend more time walking around our property. We don’t have a fenced area for him yet so we take him for walks on a leash – don’t want to chance him running off and getting hurt. I may not be so thrilled with this when it gets cold but for now I’m actually enjoying the time outdoors. It’s been just gorgeous lately and I’m soaking up every little bit of it and trying not to think of winter.
I usually take my phone with me just in case David or one of the kids calls. And sometimes something just calls out to be photographed.
This is a portion of our driveway:
This is an old animal feeder that we keep saying we’re going to remove. But then I take a picture like this and reconsider:
I curled up with a cup of tea and warm-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies this afternoon and watched a movie (Me and You and Everyone We Know – don’t bother; it was pretty odd). Shiloh curled up in his bed and looked so sweet I had to take his picture:
And speaking of Shiloh, he now has 68 “likes” on his Facebook page. He loves new friends so check it out.
Hi Deanna,
Love the pics. We are heading out today to check out buying some land. We shall see! It's a big dream we've had for a long time, so thanks for the cool land vibe!
Good luck! We've enjoyed country living and still do most of the time. However, 40 acres and two houses is getting to be a bit more than we really want to keep up with these days. We are starting to think of downsizing sometime in the next few years. Maybe.
Good luck! We've enjoyed country living and still do most of the time. However, 40 acres and two houses is getting to be a bit more than we really want to keep up with these days. We are starting to think of downsizing sometime in the next few years. Maybe.