Today is the Autumnal Equinox, otherwise known as the first day of fall. Here in Oklahoma you might be forgiven if you didn’t notice that. It was very warm today and not at all fall-like. Actually that’s okay with me. I like early fall well enough as long as I don’t think too much about the season that follows, but I am not ready to bid summer adieu.
I’m very gingerly easing into the season here on Apple Tree Farm. A few days ago I went to the local nursery and bought a couple of potted mums and a pumpkin. I only bought one pumpkin because it’s still rather warm. And I won’t carve one anytime soon because they won’t last until Halloween if I do it now.
I also bought a few pansies. My grandmother always planted these in her front flowerbed when I was a kid and I just loved them. I’ll buy some more to plant in the flower beds that border our porch a little later but I wanted a few to enjoy on our porch table for now.
The other item I was looking for at the nursery was a hanging Creeping Charlie plant. I’ve loved these ever since I was a girl. As the only girl in the family I had my own room. It was tiny but it was mine. I loved decorating it and filling it with plants. I apparently had a green thumb as my plants flourished. The large sunny window probably helped, too. Other relatives would sometimes give me their plants which weren’t doing so well and I’d love them back to life. Yes, I even talked to them. One of my favorites was a Creeping Charlie. I love the way they smell. Anyway, I only saw one somewhat shabby looking plant at the nursery. I asked the worker who was waiting on me if they had anymore. They didn’t but he said I could have that last one for $3. I couldn’t say no. We take in stray animals so why not take in a plant which needed a home? I’ll keep it on the porch until it gets too cold and then I’ll bring it indoors and enjoy it through the winter.
So far the only other things I’ve done to welcome the new season are to wash all the afghans and change the decorations on the coffee table. I pulled down the big Rubbermaid container of fall decorations Friday but it’s still sitting in the family room unopened. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe I’ll ignore autumn and cling to summer just a wee bit longer…
Hi Deanna,
Oh, those Creeping Charlie's!! I have a ton of it in my yard and I have done everything I can to get rid of it. How funny that they actually sell it in the garden shops! lol… Just don't let a single leaf drop into your grass or you will no longer have a nice looking lawn. I would be happy to give you some of it!
Someone else mentioned that on Facebook and of course I had to look it up. Turns out it's a related plant but not the same. I've never seen the type you mention but considering the fact that between a couple of years of severe drought and a shady front yard we have no real lawn anymore, I'd be happy if anything green would take over. Ha!