In this New Year,
We look to an end to violence and war.
We pray for peace, understanding and reconciliation.
In this New Year,
We hope for a future where all can have enough.
We pray for prophetic voices to speak for the poor and
the marginalized.
In this New Year,
We will feel the pain of those dying from preventable
We pray that antiretrovirals and other medicines can be
available to all.
In this New Year,
We will breathe air and feel alive.
We pray to improve our stewardship of God’s creation.
In this New Year,
We wish to start anew.
We pray for wisdom to acknowledge mistakes and
move on.
In this New Year,
We believe that with God’s help, it is possible.
We pray for justice to reign and dignity for all people.
by Jill Rauh
Education for Justice
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