The realization that 2014 is quickly drawing to a close has hit me right upside the head. How on earth can it already be December? Where did summer go? All those missed opportunities to sit on the porch or star gaze or… I’m trying not to be overcome with regret and instead focus on what…
My One Word – 2014
Chances are you’ve heard of the “one word” thing which has been making the rounds the past few years. The idea is that instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions (or perhaps in addition to those) you choose a word to inspire you for the coming year. For 2011 I chose focus. And then…
Happy New Year – 2014
Happy New Year! In this year which stretches out before us, all shiny and new, I wish for each of you: laughter – from giggles to tears-streaming-down-your-face guffaws quiet moments of reflection discovery music to lift your spirit and touch your soul daily rituals to ground you and give life structure big dreams colorful sunsets…
Starting the New Year off right
We had a most wonderful time ringing in the New Year in our favorite city with some of our favorite people. In fact, we had such a good time that I didn’t even take very many photos. Our flight left the OKC airport at about 8 a.m. Sunday morning. We are *not* morning people so…
New Orleans bound!
Guess where we are ringing in the New Year? Laissez le bon temps rouler! [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]
New Year’s Eve
I’ve been in absentia largely due to a stupid asthma attack which has lingered the past two weeks. There was also a pretty impressive case of hives one night, too. But I’m not letting that keep me down. We went out with friends last night and we are getting ready to paint the town tonight….
A Year in a Word
Yesterday I posted about my plans for the coming year and my attempt to choose a word to represent 2011. After sleeping on it one more night, I’ve made my decision. I’ve really wrestled with coming up with just the right word to evoke my dreams and aspirations for 2011. I started by thinking over…
Benediction for a New Year
This has been making the rounds amongst some of my friends on Facebook and for good reason. This is my wish for my readers. ”May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to…
Did you miss me?
I’ve been dealing with an asthma attack the past two weeks and simply haven’t felt like blogging much. Fortunately I seem to be on the mend. Prednisone is my friend. 🙂 I’ll get back to my usual regular blogging next week but for now I’ll just share some Christmas pictures. Here is the Nativity set…