Happy New Year!
In this year which stretches out before us, all shiny and new, I wish for each of you:
- laughter – from giggles to tears-streaming-down-your-face guffaws
- quiet moments of reflection
- discovery
- music to lift your spirit and touch your soul
- daily rituals to ground you and give life structure
- big dreams
- colorful sunsets
- hugs from someone you love
- steaming cups of something hot and delicious
- restful sleep
Make time to read a good book, taste something new, draw a picture, make music, blow bubbles, dance in the kitchen, grow something. Take long walks, daydream, sing, sign up for a class, buy yourself some flowers, go to the zoo. Count your blessings, forgive, call your parents, write a letter and say “I love you” often.
May 2014 be filled with blessings beyond your wildest dreams.
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