We had a most wonderful time ringing in the New Year in our favorite city with some of our favorite people. In fact, we had such a good time that I didn’t even take very many photos. Our flight left the OKC airport at about 8 a.m. Sunday morning. We are *not* morning people so…
Photo-A-Day Challenge: Day 31 "Fun"
We celebrated New Year’s Eve with rock stars and pirates on Bourbon Street. Happy New Year! [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]
New Orleans bound!
Guess where we are ringing in the New Year? Laissez le bon temps rouler! [Posted with iBlogger from my iPhone]
New Year’s Eve
I’ve been in absentia largely due to a stupid asthma attack which has lingered the past two weeks. There was also a pretty impressive case of hives one night, too. But I’m not letting that keep me down. We went out with friends last night and we are getting ready to paint the town tonight….
More Christmas pictures
Here are a few more pictures from Christmas. I love receiving Christmas cards and letters! Blurry (forgot the flash!) but aren’t they handsome? The girl cousins – they are growing up! The annual reading of the Christmas story Our annual post-Christmas Eve service family photo I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday…
Happy New Year!
We had an absolute blast this New Year’s Eve! Several weeks ago David decided to buy the whole family tickets to The Flaming Lips New Year’s Eve concert in Oklahoma City, plus hotel rooms so we could all spend the night afterwards. We’ve been long-time fans. Chris has been to several of their concerts and…