This is going to be a crazy-busy week for me. I deliver Meals On Wheels three days, have a hair appointment, two meetings, a trip to Norman and a friend has invited me over to swim in her pool. I have a basket of peaches to make into jam, a large bag of okra to freeze and I need to make six loaves of bread to re-stock the freezer. I also need to turn a bag of lemons into syrup for homemade lemonade, make cold brewed coffee concentrate and yogurt. Oh, and granola, if I can work that in. I’m writing this Sunday evening in between chores I would normally do on Monday – just trying to get a head start on the week!
I deliver Meals On Wheels at 11, have a hair appointment at 12:30 and meeting at 6 p.m. My hair appointment takes at least two hours so my time in between that and my meeting is rather short. I hope to have enough time to put the clean sheets back on the bed and do a bit of housework. I think I’ll have David call in a pizza from Papa Gjorgjo’s Italian restaurant for me to pick up on my way home. I have a feeling I’ll be worn out and won’t feel like starting dinner at 7:30.
- take out pizza
- salad (made at home)
My daughter and I have tentative plans to go to Norman for our monthly grocery shopping trip. I think this will be a good day for a crockpot meal.
- roast with potatoes, carrots and onions in the crockpot
- salad
- rolls or bread
This is the morning my friend has invited me over to swim. I also need to deliver Meal On Wheels but she said I could shower and get ready at her house instead of having to drive all the way back home in between. I think I also have a recycling coalition meeting at noon so I’ll be pushing it to finish my Meals On Wheels route in time for that.
- sour cream enchiladas (didn’t end up making them last week; the same is true of that roast)
- Mexican rice with corn and diced tomatoes
- tortilla chips and salsa
As far as I know at this moment, I don’t have to go anywhere on this day. I plan to spend the day in the kitchen baking bread, making jam, and other kitchen tasks.
- stroganoff (made with leftover roast)
- over noodles
- green beans
- salad
- homemade bread
I have a notion I’ll be about done with this week by Friday and if David offers to take me out to dinner, I won’t turn him down. Otherwise it will be something simple like soup and grilled cheese.
So, what does your week look like? What’s on your menu? And don’t forget – if you have a recipe to share I’d love to feature it as a guest post. My only requirement is that it contain *real food* and not use mixes or canned soups. If you can include a photo that’s helpful but not essential.
Also, check out Stone Gable’s On The Menu Monday post and the links to other menus.
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