Last week didn’t exactly go according to plan. In fact, Monday was the only night we ate what was on my menu. Some weeks are just like that but I still find it helpful to plan a menu in advance. This week appears to be a little less busy. Of course, just writing that is like practically begging the universe to throw me a curve ball. I’ve got my catcher’s mitt ready so bring it on!
I baked extra potatoes Saturday night so I’ll use them to make a potato leek soup.
- potato leek soup
- Super Easy Beer Bread
- cooked apples
I hope to do some baking this day. I need to bake the usual five loaves of wheat bread and restock the freezer. While I’ve got the kitchen in disarray, I plan to also bake homemade buns and apple muffins.
- Black Bean Patties with Corn Relish and Avocado Cream sauce
- on homemade buns
- French fries
- salad
I’ll be providing a casserole for the Thursday lunch at United Campus Ministry so I’ll just go ahead and make one for us, too. I try to take them something vegetarian since I’m about the only one who does so, and I receive specific requests for this one.
- macaroni and cheese with caramelized onions
- salad
- apple muffins with streusel topping
David’s boss will be in town and will be taking us out to dinner.
David likes to go out on Fridays but we are trying to cut back on eating out. Since we will have eaten out the night before, I’ll cook a lighter dinner of veggies. Then we’ve been invited to a music show in Shawnee (about 45 minutes away) which I hope we can attend. If not, we will try to find some music locally.
- Frosted cauliflower
- braised kale (new-to-me recipe; I’ll share later)
- glazed carrots
- mashed potatoes
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