I’ll probably be humming songs by “The Mamas and the Papas” all day now.
So, it’s the start of a new week and I already have quite a list of things I want to accomplish. I need to figure out what to do with the rest of the books that didn’t sell Friday night. I managed to get rid of several boxes worth but the back of the Suburban is still full of what was left. And the back seat from the Suburban remains in the family room by the sliding glass door. Malory, the cat, thinks we have been ever so generous in providing him with a brand new bed…and in the *sunnyshine*, no less!
I really must get my little raised garden bed ready to plant. During the cold and dreary days of winter I always have big plans for expanding my garden. I envision several more raised beds, neatly planted with all manner of yummy produce. However, by the time I actually have to plant, I usually decide that a few tomato plants will do just fine. We have a nice little farmers market here in town and I try to purchase nearly all our fresh produce there throughout the local growing season. Still, there is something really special about a freshly picked tomato, warm from the sun. And that is why I will at least plant tomatoes. Last summer I ended up with LOTS of little grape tomatoes. Far more than we could possibly consume so I started tossing them to the chickens each morning when I let them out of their coop, into their pen. They loved them! I’d let the chickens out then go to the nearby garden and pick a handful. The chickens would pile up along the fence watching me and eagerly awaiting their morning treat. I had wanted chickens for several years and I haven’t been disappointed. They really aren’t much work, I love to watch them, and they give me eggs!
Which reminds me that I need to boil a dozen or so today. I gave a dozen to my parents yesterday but still have another couple of dozen in the refrigerator. I think I will have an egg salad roll-up for lunch today. And I think omelets and a quiche will be on the menu this week, too. I only have five chickens but they lay 4 or 5 eggs a day and we just can’t keep up. I do have a friend who wants to buy some from me. So far I have just given away the extras but even one or two regular customers would cover the cost of chicken feed and render my little hobby free.
I also need to work on the yard. I hardly know where to start. My husband finally got the riding lawnmower running. Our son did a couple of hours of mowing and my husband did a few. They barely scratched the surface of what needs to be done, though. This is a huge place and while it is really beautiful, it is a lot to keep up with. It occurs to me that it is silly to be walking on the treadmill when I can be getting my exercise by gardening. So, on that note, I am off to do a bit of weeding.
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