It’s a new year and a good time for a new direction. So I’m instituting monthly themes for LWD this year. Each month will have a particular topic focus.
Along with blog posts, the theme will also be reflected in the LWD Book Club selections. PLUS! … I am lining up some experts to interview. At the end of each month I will then create a permanent resource page for the theme, including not only my own posts but links to books, articles, podcasts, videos, etc. My goal is to offer easy-to-access information on a variety of topics.
I’m really excited about this and I hope you will be, too.
LWD Monthly Themes for 2017
There may be a bit of fine-tuning as the year progresses but for now this is my plan:
January – Organization and Productivity
February – Frugal Living and Going Green
March – Health, Fitness, Mindfulness
April – Homemaking, Spring Cleaning, Creating a Home Binder
May – Self Development, Creativity, Happiness
June – Gardening, Outdoor Living, Pets/Animals
July – Travel, Francophile Week, Anglophile Week
August – Back to School, New Routines, Planners
September – Style, Fashion, Makeup, Hair and Skin Care
October – Food and Wine, Menu Planning, Stocking the Pantry
November – Entertaining, Etiquette, Thanksgiving
December – Holidays, Gift Guides, Decorating, Planning for New Year
Menu Monday and Timely Tunes will continue as regular features. There will also be recipe posts here and there, plus the occasional “off topic” post as the mood strikes. These themes will serve as “more what you call guidelines, than actual rules“.
I’d love your input. Are there specific topics within these themes you would like me to address? Leave me a comment and I’ll do my best.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I like your theme idea, and look forward to seeing what you come up with for each theme.
Thanks – I’m kind of excited about this. 🙂