I’ve decided that neither of the two major political parties in this country truly represent me. Therefore, I am starting my own. I’m calling it, “The Party Party”. I’m still fleshing out the platform (and am open to suggestions) but here is what I have thus far:
1. Make love, not war. It costs less and is more fun.
2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
3. Stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours.
4. Take care of the earth; it’s where we keep our stuff.
5. Legalize pot.
6. Be especially kind to little children and animals.
7. Practice random acts of kindness.
8. Coffee and chocolate for all! (Fair Trade, of course.)
9. Dressing up like a pirate periodically is highly encouraged.
10. Work hard and live within your means. If you don’t, we’ll try not to let you starve but we won’t be happy about it.
11. Try not to be stupid. And learn how to make change.
12. Make littering a felony.
13. Dream big.
14. Don’t worry; be happy.
15. Be good. But if you can’t be good, be interesting.
It’s too late to enter a candidate in this election but it’s not too early to start thinking about 2012. Any suggestions?
i LOVE you, girl!!!! even though i make it a point to never, ever blog politics…i have to give you a cyber high five for this! (please pass the chocolate…!)
I think the stupid should be taxed more!
Otherwise, I agree whole-heartedly with your platform.
🙂 Terri
sounds like a good idea to me… i go to a techno dance club called party party so maybe you should make it mandatory for your party party to attend dance party party.