We live in a world in which we are constantly bombarded with messages to consume more and more. Yet that hasn’t made for a happier society. Perhaps it’s time to take a serious look at simple living and how this alternative to consumerism might provide a more meaningful life.
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Simple Living Books and Resources
I’ve long had an interest in simple living, homesteading, eco-living, unschooling and a number of related topics. Have I lived these precepts consistently? Not at all. But I believe that even small steps make a difference.
As part of my efforts to live a Low-Buy Year, I’ll be looking for ways to live more sustainably. I’m re-reading some of my favorite simple living, homesteading and sustainable living books this year, as well as some others that are often recommended.
If you share some of these interests of mine, perhaps you’d like to check out a few of these resources as well. I’ve linked to Amazon for these books, in part because there are often helpful reviews. But I urge you to check your library first. If you read one that you want in your personal resource library at home then consider looking for a copy at a used book store, independent book store in your community or an online source such as Thrift Books.
If permaculture is part of your simple living ideal, here is a wonderful YouTube channel I’ve recently discovered. I’m in the process of watching a lot of her videos.
I’ve barely scratched the surface of this topic but I plan to continue my personal research and implementation. I’m sure there will be more posts to come. If you share my interest in simple living I’d love to hear from you. Do you have personal experience to share? Favorite resources? Topics you’d like me to research and share? Let me know in the comments!
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