“Your life could be transformed by this one simple act: making it a priority to do the things you enjoy.” ~Anna Papij One of my favorite Facebook pages is that of the Tiny Buddha. The articles shared are helpful, thought-provoking and uplifting. Yesterday I read one titled, “Create More Joy in Your Life by Prioritizing…
Bad Christian Club
(*Originally posted June 2013) A couple of weeks ago I read a blog post which really struck a chord with me. Lindsay of Suburban Turmoil wrote about feeling judged and rejected by the Christian community and asked her readers if anyone else struggled with the same problem. Whoooo boy, do I ever. I wish I…
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
The sermon at church this morning was based upon a passage from the 6th chapter of Matthew which includes this verse: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.” David and I kept glancing at…