It wasn’t an easy decision but I’ve decided to ignore a lot of the blogging advice out there and just be true to myself. This may be a mistake but it’s a risk I am willing to take. I’m in a small blogging group and each month we fill in our blog and social media…
Simplicity, Work, and Enjoyment
Sometimes the “world is too much with us” and I long for simpler times. And yet I also love modern technology. How does one embrace a simple life in these modern times? How do we achieve balance? I have been blessed with several women in my family to whom I look for guidance in various…
For myself alone…
I was pretty nervous about yesterday’s post. I really felt like I needed to write it but I wasn’t sure how it would be accepted. I needn’t have worried, though. The comments I received here, on Facebook and in person were all kind and understanding. I have some pretty amazing readers and I thank each…
Bad Christian Club
(*Originally posted June 2013) A couple of weeks ago I read a blog post which really struck a chord with me. Lindsay of Suburban Turmoil wrote about feeling judged and rejected by the Christian community and asked her readers if anyone else struggled with the same problem. Whoooo boy, do I ever. I wish I…
I swear to my time
Note: If I gave my blog posts ratings this one would earn a PG-13. If you think that might be an issue just go ahead and skip this one, okay? Let’s chat about language, shall we? If you’ve been reading Tea With Dee* from the beginning or have perused the archives you might recall a very…
The lady doth protest too much…
Have you ever been around someone who is constantly talking about God, Jesus, their faith, the Bible, etc.? I mean, even when it has little to do with the conversation at hand, they find a way to interject something religious? I know I’m taking a risk by even bringing this up — there’s a lot…
The Wisdom of the Mockingbird
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publishing of one of my all-time favorite books, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. I have an old hard cover version which I picked up at a used book store many years ago. I have no idea how many times I’ve read it. One time on…
Live your faith…
I keep hearing a lot of hoopla about the “war on Christmas” and how people/businesses/government are trying to “take Christ out of Christmas”. Personally, I think God’s big enough to take care of Himself and quite honestly, I haven’t encountered anything of the kind. What I have seen, however, are Christians not living out their…
Something to talk about…
Yesterday I was reading one of my favorite blogs, These Days in French Life (no longer available), and read something that made me sit up and and inwardly shout, “yes!”. Riana, the author of the blog, has undergone some major changes in the way she and her family choose to live their lives. I’ve read…