My kids obviously know about my passion for flowers. Lisa and Justin had the irises on the left sent to me Friday morning. Chris brought home the bouquet on the right after work that evening. Aren’t they pretty? My sweet husband bought this gorgeous journal, wrote a beautiful tribute on the first page then passed…
A perfect day
I’m not sure what I did to deserve such a wonderful family. They totally spoiled me yesterday for Mother’s Day. Flowers, lunch out, thoughtful gifts and my first pedicure – I couldn’t ask for a better day…or a better family. Beautiful organic tulips from Lisa and Justin, a pretty serving dish with fleur de lis…
I have a wonderful family…
I had such a nice Mother’s Day. First of all, David and I spent about 3 hours at my folks’ house Saturday night when we took my mom her Mother’s Day gifts. Sunday morning we went to church then met my parents and the kids for lunch. I had a nice long nap that afternoon…
For my mom on Mother’s Day
My friend, Leanne, wrote a moving tribute to her mother in honor of Mother’s Day. Sadly, her mother is no longer living and I’ll bet Leanne wishes she could have shared her “Gifts for my Mom” post before she died. Her post inspired me to write one of my own and since I’m fortunate enough…