For the past two years, we’ve let you get away with shining the spotlight on another woman. This year, it’s all about YOU. As women, we often have trouble putting ourselves front and center. We’re not important, not pretty, not smart, not talented. Just not enough.
But that is SO not true, and we challenge you to break through that barrier. Join the #selflovechallenge on September 16, and share three positive things about yourself. If you don’t have a blog, share on Facebook, Twitter, a favorite email loop (as long as they don’t mind off-topic messages), or just write it on a Post-it note and put it on your bathroom mirror.
Men can participate, too, but we really want women to embrace this. You are amazing, and it’s time you owned it!
Your three things can be just one comment each, or you can give background or elaborate in some way. The positive things can be anything: a physical trait, a talent, a facet of your personality, or anything else you can think of.
The only rule is that you can’t add any qualifiers.
YES = I have beautiful eyes.
YES = I get a lot of compliments on my eyes.
NO = I have pretty eyes. At least that’s what people tell me.
NO = I guess I have pretty eyes, but no one can tell because of these stupid glasses.
Just acknowledge and accept that you have gorgeous eyes and move on. 😉
We’re not looking for affirmations here. Find three things you can love about yourself just as you are. Sure we can all improve something, but you are amazing RIGHT NOW! If you honestly can’t think of anything, ask your friends and family. You should love yourself unconditionally, but sometimes we need a little help realizing that there is something about us to love.
Join our Facebook page, and help us spread the word. We’ll have a linky up on the 16th for you to share your posts.
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