I’ve had this post pulled up to write for awhile, trying to decide what to give public thanks for today. I have so much to be grateful for that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to focus on for my daily November Thanksgiving posts. And then just a few minutes ago David called. He had gone out on a medical call for the volunteer fire department. The dispatcher had said it was a seizure so I wasn’t overly concerned. It turns out that wasn’t the case. A young man about our son’s age had overdosed. One of the firefighters rode to the E.R. in the ambulance and David followed behind so he could drive him back to the station. It doesn’t look good.
Most of the time when asked what we are thankful for we respond with something we have. Tonight I’m thankful for something I don’t. Life is tenuous and not always “fair”. Tonight a family is likely mourning for their son while mine is downstairs watching television. Tonight I will be giving my son an extra hug. Tonight I will be offering a prayer for another mother.
So sad! Poor guy and his family. ๐
Praying for the family.