Today is the first Sunday of Advent. I love the juxtaposition of Autumn leaves and Christmas decorations in this photo I took in church this morning. I am thankful to attend a church which observes Advent, the anticipatory time leading up to Christmas. I love the fact that we save the Christmas carols for Christmas…
Things I’m thankful for
How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was nice. Our extended family gathered together at my cousin’s beautiful new house Thursday evening. I heard someone say they counted over 40 of us. We really enjoyed hanging out with several of my cousins’ young adult children. Most of the crowd left around 9:30 and we then sat around…
Thankful for what isn’t
I’ve had this post pulled up to write for awhile, trying to decide what to give public thanks for today. I have so much to be grateful for that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to focus on for my daily November Thanksgiving posts. And then just a few minutes ago David called. He had…
Labor saving devices
Lisa and I went to Norman today to pick up the organic turkey breasts we had pre-ordered. We had a few other things we needed or wanted so we ended up going to five or six shops. Both of us have a lot to do this week so we managed to sandwich in this trip…
Christmas Countdown
It has begun to sink in that I’ve a lot to do before we go to New Orleans December 1st. We won’t return until the 12th which means that I basically have to have all my Christmas shopping and decorating done before we go. Gulp. I just spent the last little while doing some online…
Tag, you’re it!
Today I am thankful for people who demonstrate the courage of their convictions: Read about Dorli Rainey, the 84 year old woman who was pepper sprayed in Seattle here. “Activism begins with you. Democracy begins with you. Get out there, get active! Tag, you’re it!” ~Thom Hartmann
A Day in the Kitchen
I’ve been meaning to bake bread for ages. I got lazy over the summer and bought bread from the little organic bakery not far from us or sometimes from the grocery store (although I made sure it had no trans-fats or HFCS). Still, neither of these options are as satisfying as my own homemade bread….
Busy, busy day
It’s been a long day. A good day, but a long one. I had to brave the chilly weather this morning in order to drive about 30 miles away to pick up my monthly co-op order. And when I say “chilly”, I really mean “freakin’ cold!”. Tuesday afternoon got up to a perfect 79 degrees…
Oh, deer…
This morning David noticed this in our backyard: He told me about it when he came upstairs to finish getting ready for work so of course I had to go check it out. I took that first photo through our needs-to-be-washed sliding glass door because I didn’t want to frighten it off by opening the…