I just realized I haven’t posted anything since last Monday. I’ll bet you’re thinking that I’ve been so busy actually doing everything I wrote on my schedule that I didn’t have time to blog, right? Well, not exactly.
I did quite well on Monday and Tuesday but then I started coming down with a cold. I had taken a very long walk outdoors on Tuesday and began sneezing. At first I thought it was just allergies, and I do think that played a role, but within a few hours I realized it was a cold. Darn it. I immediately began taking what I refer to as “Voodoo Meds” (if you want the recipe, leave me a comment and I’ll share it). I didn’t run fever or have a sore throat, just an annoyingly stuffy nose and some fatigue. Since David and I had weekend plans I decided to focus solely on getting well. I took my “meds” every few hours, drank lots of fluids – especially hot tea, and just rested. And it worked. Just a couple of days of stuffiness and I was pretty well over it. Except…
Stupid asthma. On Friday morning I decided I should call my doctor and ask him to prescribe a round of steroids for me to take with us to the city “just in case”. Well, it was a good thing. By the time we were ready to leave Friday afternoon I was already experiencing asthma symptoms. We picked up the steroids on our way out of town and I took the first dose. Fortunately since I had gotten on it right away my breathing was better by the time we got to the city. Nipped it in the bud, so to speak. I’ve got three more day’s worth of steroids to take and I feel pretty sure that’s going to take care of it. I promised myself back in November when it took two rounds and several weeks to recover that I wouldn’t put off starting steroids the next time. I cannot remember the last time I had a cold which didn’t go into asthma and require steroids. Might as well face it and just start them immediately. See? You can teach an old dog…
We spent Friday and Saturday nights at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City. I don’t think we had been there since my birthday back in August so we were both really looking forward to it. These past few weeks have been rather hectic and David was in desperate need of a break. He even turned off his phone each night, something he NEVER does. He gave his assistant my phone number in case of a true work emergency but otherwise he was unavailable to employees who are notorious for calling for the least little thing at any hour of the day or night.
We arrived around 7 p.m. and found this in our room:
It's been awhile since I've been to the Red Piano Bar but it's indeed a fun place to hang out. Thank you for the reminder to make and take time!
We love that place and nearly always end up chatting with someone interesting.
Sounds lovely! John and I are planning a get away in a about a month…We're looking for something new and a little different than our usual but there's always that if we can't find anything interesting!
"New and different" is good but sometimes "the usual" is just right. There's something relaxing about going somewhere you're used to. I hope you and John find just the right place for this particular getaway.