Just a quick post to let y’all know we did survive our trip to New Orleans. We got home Tuesday evening, enjoyed our first stargazing of the season, and then had a little trip to the E.R. after I broke out in massive hives and angioedema (swelling of face, lips, hands, ankles, etc.). I spent Wednesday doped up on Benadryl. Last night I took my chances, left the house and went to hear one of our bands perform. Today I’m trying to return some order to my house.
I have lots of pictures and stories from our trip but those will have to wait a bit longer. One of our musicians is helping David with a building project tomorrow and he’s spending the night tonight so they can get an early start. I’m sure he doesn’t care about the state of my house but *I* do. So for now I’ll just leave you with one more picture:
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