Updated post:
I have been thinking about doing a “day in my life” post for awhile and decided that Monday, January 18, 2016 would be my day. I would write down everything I did and then write a blog post about it. That got me thinking about the handful of times I’ve done this in the past so I did a little search. The last one I did just happened to be in January, too. This was back in 2013. It was interesting to me to see which elements of a typical day have remained the same and which have changed.
I’ll post yesterday’s “Day in My Life” later this week but decided to go ahead and repost the one from 2013 today. This was back when I was blogging on Tea With Dee and I know many of you weren’t readers back then.
I love reading these myself so if you’ve ever done a “Day in My Life” blog post or YouTube video I would love for you to leave me a link in the comments so I can check it out. Or if you have a favorite one done by someone else I’d like to see it, too.
(Originally posted 1/29/13):
I haven’t done one of these in quite awhile so I thought I’d share a look at my day.
5:30 – awake for no good reason and unable to go back to sleep
7:00 – decided to take a “power nap”
7:45 – David came back upstairs with my tea and to kiss me goodbye
8:30 – at computer, drank tea, checked email, worked on blogs
8:50-9:15 – lengthy walk with Shiloh, saw a rabbit, enjoyed warm weather and envisioning my garden and chickens this spring
9:15 – fixed myself a bowl of yogurt with honey and raisins
9:30 – finished up my menu post for Dee’s Kitchen which I had worked on yesterday, shared and promoted it on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, a couple of cooking blog linkys
9:45 – looked for a YouTube video I had tried to watch yesterday when our Internet was slooowwww.
This will give you a chuckle:
10:00 – 10:15 – responded to blog comments
10:15 – 11:00 – showered, dressed, stripped sheets off bed, made to-to list and plan for the day.
11:00 – 11:45 – put sheets in washer, put away clean dishes from dish drainer, washed dishes, wiped counters, refilled sugar container, watered and fertilized houseplants, tidied downstairs
11:45 – 12:30 – wrote blog post for The Well-Groomed Hippie, listened to some music and got a bit distracted online (oops!)
12:30 – 12:50 – took Shiloh for a walk, put sheets in dryer and started a load of jeans
12:50 – 1:15 – lunch (tuna sandwich, crackers, a Cutie, and water) while watching a YouTube video I had loaded earlier
1:15 – 1:35 – miscellaneous stuff online, started a draft for another blog post
1:35 – 3:20 – I couldn’t keep my eyes open so I laid down for what was supposed to be a 30 minute nap and just crashed.
3:20 – 5:30 – walked Shiloh, switched laundry, vacuumed downstairs, a little computer time, folded laundry, set out stuff for dinner, put sheets back on bed
5:30 – 6:30 – made biscuits, got homemade chicken noodle soup going, not sure what else I did
6:30 – while waiting for veggies in soup to get tender, checked Facebook, walked Shiloh and waited for David to finish unclogging the drain pipe from the kitchen
8:15 – dinner finished, kitchen clean, going to watch “You Can’t Take It With You”
11:20 – After numerous interruptions we finally finished the movie and I’m going to bed to read a bit. That’s all, folks!
Here are links to other “Day in My Life” posts I’ve done:
A Day in My Life – February 2010
A Day in My Life…Part 2 – February 2010
French Friday ~ My Special Day – September 2010
This post is linked up at Time-Warp Wife.
Tori says
I always enjoy posts like these, because I’m nosy and like to know what people get up to. 😉
I don’t have any spacifically like this on my blog, but I do have some where it’s just a rundown of my day among my earlier posts, though without the details on what time I did what. I’d have to read through all my early posts to find them though, and I really don’t want to be doing that, since there are an awful lot of old posts to read through.
Deanna Piercy says
Oh, good. Someone else who is nosy like me. 🙂