Ten years ago today I wrote my very first blog post. Those were the days when most blogs were like online journals and tended to be very personal. I was a relatively new empty nester and I was going to use the blog to share my decluttering story. Initially I called the blog, “Ponderings of a Packrat” and this is part of the first post:
So this blog will chronicle my attempts to sift through a lifetime of accumulated *stuff* and hopefully make some rational decisions about what to keep and what to pass on to someone else. In addition, I have a hunch I will be making some discoveries about myself in the process. After many years of being a *sahm* (stay at home mom) and even homeschooling for almost a decade, I am in a new stage of life. I’m pretty sure there’s an interesting person in here somewhere, if I can just find her.
It wasn’t long, however, before I realized I would be chatting about all manner of things and decided to change the name of the blog to “Tea With Dee”, which was also the name of a monthly newsletter I had been sending out for about a year.
A Decade of Blogging
In January of 2009 I started another blog, “The Well-Groomed Hippie“:
I will be sharing thoughts, ideas, information and links relating to topics such as green living, environmentalism, unschooling, homesteading, natural healing, health and nutrition, cooking from scratch, gardening and social activism.
This blog is actually still out there although I rarely post on it anymore. In addition to the things mentioned above I also blogged about politics and music. You’re welcome to take a look but it’s not being updated at this point. One of the first posts was about reusable bags:
Here are a few other links you may find of interest. One of these days I’ll probably do updated versions for Life With Dee.
As if two blogs weren’t enough, in January of 2010 I started “Dee’s Kitchen”. I had occasionally shared recipes on “Tea With Dee” and was also sharing a weekly menu. I decided it would be good to move the food-related posts to a separate blog. I often had friends asking for recipes and figured it would be handy to be able to direct them to the blog instead of copying and emailing recipes all the time. This is where I became consistent about posting a menu every Monday, a habit I continue to this day. I also had a lot of guest posts, which was great. I would love to have more here on Life With Dee so if you’d like to do a recipe guest post, let me know. Here are the guidelines.
So, for the next five and a half years I blogged more or less consistently on all three blogs. Actually, I even started a fourth but since I only posted about half a dozen times on that one, it doesn’t bear mentioning. I still have it but it’s set to private status. I think. Maybe I should check. Ha!
I finally decided to take this blogging thing to a new level last September when I started this blog. I rolled over all the posts from “Tea With Dee” and “Dee’s Kitchen” to this blog. There were around 1700 posts so the vast majority are not categorized and most could use some updating. Still, if you go to the archives (on the sidebar) all of the old posts are there. Just in case you are ever bored enough to want to do so.
I’ve loved blogging all these years and I think after a decade of doing so, it’s safe to say I’m in this for the long haul. I feel as though I’m beginning to get a good sense of where I want to take “Life With Dee” and I hope you’ll settle in for the ride.
Alyssa says
I love this! What an awesome collection of posts to look back on. Congrats on your “blog-iversary.” 🙂
Deanna Piercy says
Thank you, Alyssa!
Lisa Sharp says
Congrats! Hard to believe it’s been that long.
Deanna Piercy says
Thanks! It does seem incredible I’ve been doing it so long.
Tori says
Congratulations on ten years of blogging!
My tenth bloggerversary was literally a couple of days before yours (May 3rd).
Deanna says
Wow, what a coincidence! Happy blog anniversary to you, too!
Tori says
Thanks! 🙂