Today is Ash Wednesday. I haven’t been in church or much of anywhere else since the first of the year because I’ve been trying to avoid the flu and other nasty viruses making the rounds. Even a simple cold sets off a serious asthma attack for me and I was bound and determined to stay off steroids and out of the emergency room this winter. But tonight I broke my “crowd fast” and went to church for the Ash Wednesday service. David met me there after work. It’s such a meaningful service and I just couldn’t bear to miss it.
If you aren’t familiar with this tradition, here’s a short and amusing, yet informative explanation:
Most people think of Lent as a time when one gives up something. Fasting and prayer are an important part of the observation as well. But there’s no need to be legalistic about it. Here’s a wonderful blog post listing 40 ideas for Lent by the amazing Rachel Held Evans:
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