Welcome to the LWD blog feature – “A Dozen Dinner Ideas“. We can all use some dinner inspiration occasionally, right? I love seeing what others are serving their families so I thought I’d return the favor. Once a month I share a dozen meals we’ve had lately and I hope you’ll get an idea or…
A Dozen Dinner Ideas ~ October 2023
Welcome to a new LWD blog feature – “A Dozen Dinner Ideas“. We can all use some dinner inspiration occasionally, right? I love seeing what others are serving their families so I thought I’d return the favor. Once a month I’ll share a dozen meals we’ve had lately and I hope you’ll get an idea…
A Month of Cool Weather Dinner Menus
Do you ever find yourself in a rut when it comes to planning dinner? Me, too! Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective. I have put together a whole month of cool weather dinner menus to help you with those “what’s for dinner blues”. This post may contain affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate…
What’s For Dinner? ~ 25 Dinner Ideas
I haven’t done a What’s For Dinner post in awhile and I decided to change it up a bit. Instead of sharing a picture of each meal we’ve had I’m going to share 25 dinner ideas. These are meals we’ve had recently, minus the photos. Those posts take too long to load. If there’s a…
What’s For Dinner?
I’m well into the habit of taking a photo of my plate every night. What I’m not doing so well with is getting around to writing these What’s For Dinner posts on a weekly basis. And that is why there are three weeks’ worth of meals in this post. I do apologize if this takes…
What’s For Dinner? ~ A Baker’s Dozen
I’ve got thirteen dinners for you this time. It does seem that all I do is cook and wash dishes these days. I hear others saying the same thing. I hope these What’s For Dinner posts give you some ideas or at the very least remind you that you aren’t alone in all this. …
What’s For Dinner? ~ A Dozen Meals
I’ve got an even dozen meals to share with you for this What’s For Dinner post. The only meal I didn’t photograph was the pizza we picked up a few nights ago. I had cooked dinner (and prepared all meals) for 38 days in a row so when David suggested picking up pizza – curbside/contactless…
What’s For Dinner? – Two Weeks Worth!
I’ve got FOURTEEN dinners for you this time! I didn’t get around to doing a What’s For Dinner post last week but since I did remember to take a picture every night I thought I’d go ahead and share them all. I know we are all eating at home all the time now and could…
What’s For Dinner?
I’m late getting this out but I’m sure everyone understands that life is…different…these days. Interesting times we are living in, right? But in spite of the chaos around us meals still need to be prepared. In fact, it’s those very routines that are comforting in times of uncertainty. So let’s try to carry on, shall…