The stereotypical French woman is slim despite a diet of rich foods and wine. But does the stereotype hold up to scrutiny? And if so, what are her diet secrets? Let’s see if and how the French woman keeps her trim figure. This post may contain affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate I earn…
Create a Cold, Flu and Covid Kit
No one wants to be ill but I think it pays to be prepared for it. Before you or anyone in your household catches the latest bug, take the time to create a cold, flu & Covid kit. Having needed medications and other items on hand will help you avoid a trip to the drugstore…
Health Challenge – The 6, 7, 8 Plan
Taking care of our health really should be a priority but is it for you? It honestly hasn’t been for me. Oh, I give it lip service but am I backing that up with action? Not consistently. But I’m determined to change that. And I’m using what I’ve learned about habits to make sure this…
Prepared, Not Scared ~ Dealing With the Coronavirus
Important note: I considered un-publishing this post as much of the information is woefully out of date as of late 2022. However, I decided to keep it here for historical purposes. We’ve been watching science unfold the past few years and that’s not always something the average person gets to witness. Update: This post was originally…
Homemaking With Chronic Illness ~ 10 Helpful Tips
I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I am usually pretty private about personal things but I’ve decided to share this. I know I’m not alone in this so let’s talk about homemaking with chronic illness. Obviously there are many types of chronic illness, each with their own challenges but all effect our ability…
Walk 20 in ’20 – A Fitness Goal
I know I’m not alone in wanting to get more fit this year. In fact, the most common New Year’s resolutions have to do with getting in shape. There are any number of ways to do that but I’ve chosen walking as my fitness goal for 2020. Walk 20 in ’20 I was recently listening…
Do You Get Enough Sleep?
Let’s just go ahead and get this out of the way right off the bat. No, I don’t get enough sleep. And I’ll bet I’m not alone. What about you? Do YOU get enough sleep? They say admitting your problem is the first step, right? I’m tired of being tired and am determined…
Walk With Me ~ October Challenge
Anyone up for a fitness challenge? I’ve got a beach vacation to Belize coming up in November and I’m determined to up my fitness level a bit before then. Every year we try to keep our envy in check while viewing our friends’ vacation photos on Facebook. There they are enjoying sunny Belize while…
Healthy Living Roundup ~ Resources to Help You Live a Healthy Lifestyle
I’ve been interested in healthy living since I was a young teenager. In fact, that no doubt played a role in my decision to attend R.N. school. I’ll admit, however, that possessing knowledge about a topic doesn’t necessarily mean one always lives it. I’ll be perfectly honest…I don’t get enough sleep and I don’t exercise…