On this eighth “Day of Thankfulness” I am thankful for sunshine. As my regular readers know, I’m a summer girl. I need warmth and sunshine. I enjoy the occasional rainy afternoon but for the most part I like to see the sun. It’s been beautiful since we returned from New Orleans earlier this week (we…
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 21 – Taking a break
When I started this series I hadn’t really considered the fact that we would be leaving for New Orleans on the 25th. And then I had this notion that I could write extra posts and schedule them to post each day while I’m gone. As they say, the best laid plans of mice and men……
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 12 – Priorities
Today was another beautiful day here in Oklahoma so even though I had things that needed to be done inside, I spent some time here: I sat on the porch drinking iced tea, reading and listening to music. And hanging out with Dharma: And admiring the view: I may not have made much progress on…
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 11 – Carpe Diem
This morning I checked the upcoming weather forecast and was delighted to see this: It is currently 82 degrees and I just took Shiloh for a walk. I purposely took my phone so I could capture a bit of fall color. That last one wasn’t an attempt to be artsy but a matter of accidentally…