I’ve got some rather exciting news. If you follow me on Facebook or receive my newsletter, you already know this but it occurred to me that I had not shared the news here. I am in the process of building a website which will be called: Life With Dee All of the content…
Grocery Haul ~ June 16, 2015
Lisa (my daughter who blogs at Retro Housewife Goes Green) and I usually do a major grocery shopping trip once a month but for various reasons we hadn’t done one since February. We finally found a day that worked for both of us and that’s what we did yesterday. Good thing, too, because today we…
A Glimpse of New Orleans
We’ve been back from New Orleans for two full weeks and I’m just now getting around to sharing a few photos. I’m still dealing with the asthma attack I came home with and we still have one suitcase left to unpack. Yeah, re-entry sucks. But the trip was well worth it. The weather was glorious:…
A Slow Month Update – January totals
January is over (can you believe that?!) and I thought I’d do a quick report on my “slow month” challenge. My last post was this past Sunday and I haven’t bought any groceries since. That means the grand total for the month is (drum roll, please): $137.81 I’m really pleased with that, especially since it…
31 Days of Autumn Nesting: Day 21 – Taking a break
When I started this series I hadn’t really considered the fact that we would be leaving for New Orleans on the 25th. And then I had this notion that I could write extra posts and schedule them to post each day while I’m gone. As they say, the best laid plans of mice and men……
The scent of home…
My house smells delicious! I baked five loaves of bread this afternoon and the fragrance still lingers. I posted the recipe and photos of the process here.
Earth Hour at Chez Piercy
In less than an hour, David and I will be observing Earth Hour with a romantic, candlelight dinner. You can read more about this world-wide awareness campaign on my Well-Groomed Hippie blog and find out what we are having for dinner on my Dee’s Kitchen blog. a2a_linkname=”Tea With Dee”;a2a_linkurl=”http://teawithdee.blogspot.com/”;
My Menu?
If you’re wondering where my weekly menu is, you can find it at my new blog, Dee’s Kitchen. In addition to the menus, you will find all sorts of food-related information, recipes, guest posts, cookbook reviews, etc. Eventually. 😉 Check it out and tell your friends. And if you have any suggestions for what you’d…
I’ve Got a New Blog!
Dee’s Kitchen The start of a new year and a new decade calls for a new blog, right? Right? (Is this thing on?) For some time I’ve been thinking it would be nice to have all my recipes organized online in one place. I’m frequently asked to share recipes which I usually do by copying…