Dee’s Kitchen The start of a new year and a new decade calls for a new blog, right? Right? (Is this thing on?) For some time I’ve been thinking it would be nice to have all my recipes organized online in one place. I’m frequently asked to share recipes which I usually do by copying…
Recipe Review…
Monday I posted a new-to-me recipe for Chile Relleno Casserole and I said I’d let y’all know how it turned out. It was quite good and something I’ll definitely make again. For the most part I followed the recipe. Yeah, I know…pretty surprising for me. 😉 However the recipe didn’t include any seasoning and we…
New Blog…
I’ve just written the first post for my new blog, “The Well-Groomed Hippie”. The site is totally bare bones at the moment but I hope to get it jazzed up next week. In the meantime you can take a look and bookmark the site if you think you might be interested in reading it.