If it’s true that staying busy keeps one out of trouble, David and I are positively angelic these days. Here’s just a glimpse of what we’ve been doing the past week or two: Pandamonium and The Inbetween Austin Fisher and Dwight Martin Mandala and Thomas, with guest drummer, Sully Ash and Ange at Vintage 22…
A Glimpse of New Orleans
We’ve been back from New Orleans for two full weeks and I’m just now getting around to sharing a few photos. I’m still dealing with the asthma attack I came home with and we still have one suitcase left to unpack. Yeah, re-entry sucks. But the trip was well worth it. The weather was glorious:…
What I’m Into (October 2013 Edition)
Autumn on Apple Tree Farm I’m rather late with this but we just returned from our New Orleans trip late Monday night and I’m still recovering. David and I both started with some mild cold symptoms on our way home. So far we’ve kept the crud at bay with regular doses of “The Potion” (I’ll…
What I’m Into (September 2013 Edition)
Here it is, October. OCTOBER! So far it still feels like late summer around here but that will change tomorrow as a cold front comes through bringing rain and high temperatures not expected to get out of the 60s. I can’t really complain, however, since several friends have been posting pictures of snow on Facebook…
Keeping busy
First, how about an “Autumn on Apple Tree Farm” picture? I took this while walking Shiloh this morning: So, what have we been up to the past several days? Well, it hasn’t been sleeping, that’s for certain. This past Thursday we went to see Mary Poppins at the McSwain Theater here in town (they show…
I posted about our recent trip to Kansas City for the Nine Inch Nails and Jane’s Addiction concert on my other blog, The Well-Groomed Hippie. Just in case anyone is interested.
My Other Blog…
I don’t do this very often but I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to post anything here today so I’m directing you to my other blog, The Well-Groomed Hippie, for a post I wrote this morning. David, Chris and I (and a friend from church) leave early tomorrow morning for Kansas City. David…
NIN/Jane’s Addiction…together!
David and I saw Nine Inch Nails in concert twice this past year and now we hear that they will be touring with Jane’s Addiction! Wanna guess if we are planning to go? 😉 Here is a clip from the Tulsa concert we attended: The clip doesn’t begin to do them justice; you have to…
One down, one hundred to go…
The first item on my 101 things to do in 1001 days list was to attend a Nine Inch Nails concert. I’m proud to say I’ve already done this. Okay, so I already had the tickets when I wrote the list and therefore was nearly certain this was going to happen. But still… David and…