Without music, life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Nietzsche~ I’ve got a lot of catching up to do here so fair warning – this post has LOTS of pictures. July 1st was our lovely daughter’s birthday. A bunch of us went to Vintage 22 for Trivia that night and celebrated with her. I’m usually the…
Hippie Day Grocery Haul
The past few months have been extra busy so Lisa and I haven’t done one of our usual monthly grocery hauls/hippie days since March. We finally found time to go shopping yesterday and as usual, we had a great time. We noticed that Norman now has an Aldi’s grocery store and since we will soon…
What I’ve been up to lately…
I keep thinking I’ll get back to regular blogging and then life just keeps zipping along at a breakneck pace around here. And if I do find a bit of time late at night, our #$@*ing internet has slowed to a crawl…no, less than a crawl. More like a glacial pace. I still need to…
A bit of catching up to do
Goodness…I haven’t posted anything here for two weeks! You may have guessed we’ve been busy with our new business and you’d be right. It has taken off much faster than we had anticipated. We are thrilled by this and having a blast, but it’s also rather time-consuming. There will come a time when we won’t…
What I’m Into (September 2013 Edition)
Here it is, October. OCTOBER! So far it still feels like late summer around here but that will change tomorrow as a cold front comes through bringing rain and high temperatures not expected to get out of the 60s. I can’t really complain, however, since several friends have been posting pictures of snow on Facebook…
Keeping busy
First, how about an “Autumn on Apple Tree Farm” picture? I took this while walking Shiloh this morning: So, what have we been up to the past several days? Well, it hasn’t been sleeping, that’s for certain. This past Thursday we went to see Mary Poppins at the McSwain Theater here in town (they show…
Weekend Warriors
I think we’ve just about got this weekend thing figured out. You should be exhausted by Sunday night, right? David had one heck of a week at work and was more than ready for Friday night. We went to the Statesman Lounge to hear Mandala perform and to reveal the gender of her baby due in…
Fireworks and Rowdy Folk
For the second year in a row we had a prime viewing spot for our town’s 4th of July fireworks display. Friends invited us to join them at their house which has a perfect view. We were having a lovely time visiting, eating homemade ice cream and watching the fireworks: And then for the second…
What I’m Into (June 2013 Edition)
I’ve seen several people doing these “What I’m Into” posts recently. I’ve really enjoyed reading them so I decided I’d do it, too. Here goes: Around My Home Early in June David rented three levels of scaffolding and replaced the siding on the peak on the front of our house. This is a project he’s…