Welcome back! I took the whole weekend off from blogging and most social media in order to enjoy time with my friend, Roz, who came to visit. We had a great time! I’ll tell you more about what we did in another post.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend, too. Now, let’s get back to get back to our Fabulous Fall Series. Today we are focusing on maintenance and winter prep. I’m going to list several tasks, some which might not apply to your living situation. Just pick whichever work for you.
Our assignments for Day 4:
- Change your heat and a/c filters. These can get filthy pretty quickly. The funny thing is, I already had this task in the draft for today’s post. Just routine maintenance. Then when I got up this morning I realized our a/c wasn’t working. Fortunately David was just leaving for work and I caught him in time. The unit was freezing up. He changed the filters, turned up the temp and reset it. It seems to be working now but he has a call in to the repairman to come check it out. I don’t know whether the dirty filters were the issue but they certainly needed to be changed.
- If you heat entirely with wood you’ve no doubt already ordered your winter supply. But if, like us, a fireplace is more of an atmospheric pleasure during the winter, you may not have gotten around to this yet. Make plans to do this soon. Either put it on your calendar for sometime within the next week or if you have a regular source, just give them a call today. You’ll be glad you did when that first cold snap hits and a cosy fire sounds appealing.
- Because we live in an area prone to ice storms, we make sure to fill at least a couple of propane tanks for our outdoor grill. Our grill has a burner on the side and we’ve been known to use it during power outages in order to boil water for tea or coffee.
- Make a list of any other winter prep you need to do (weatherstripping, proper storage of lawn mowers, gardening equipment, etc.) and schedule these tasks on your calendar.
Treat of the day:
Bake a treat for your family. Pumpkin-flavored recipes are everywhere right now. Here is one of my favorites:
Here are a few other treats you might be interested in:
- Healthy Pumpkin Muffins (no flour) ~ Bren Did
- Quick & Easy Stovetop Popcorn ~ Retro Housewife Goes Green
- 10 Minute No-Bake Pumpkin Spice Cake ~ The Glamorous Housewife
- Lovely, Cosy, Chocolate Comfort Cake ~ Brocante Home
- Pumpkin Butter Filled Pull Apart Muffins with Crunchy Caramel Glaze ~ A Modern Homestead
Fabulous Fall Series:
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