I didn’t find this charming video until I started looking for something for this post but you can bet I’ll be giving it a try soon. I don’t have any silk head scarves but I did recall that one of the lovely young women who attended our Happyland Music Fest had left one behind (yes, we still have a lot of unclaimed items from that event). I didn’t think she’d mind if I borrowed it so I simply tied it under my chin and off we went. It did keep my hair from going wild in the breeze from open car windows. I think I might be in the market for some vintage scarves now. Ha!
It was a fun night, hanging out with friends and listening to music. I could have done without the raucous cowboys who showed up, though. Well, except for the polite, older gentleman in the black cowboy hat who bought me two drinks during the course of the night. He asked David’s permission, tipped his hat and called me “ma’am”. The rest of them, though? Obnoxious.
But despite the cowboys we had a fantastic night. As we drove home well after midnight (yes, we’re nuts) we enjoyed the cool, night air. The moon was bright and it was pretty much perfect. We shared a kiss in the car before David parked it back in the garage. We may no longer be teenagers but we do still know how to have fun.
Nice night out in the Mustang. Debi and I have a similar good-memories-date-car, but as you know, the Charger has fallen on hard times. I was going to joke with Dave, sure, your car is nice, but can it sub as a squirrel refuge? I think not.
Debi's and my memories of the Charger consist of hopping on the river road and just start driving. We never new where we may end up. Once it was laughing in the rain by an old antebellum mansion. Once it was the end of the world at the Gulf of Mexico. Once it was the fifty yard line of Tiger Stadium at LSU.
So reading your post is bitter-sweet. I do so wish I could have the time and money to restore my Charger, even if it it's just enough to make it drive-able. Please don't let that thing sit three years before you drive it again.
Good advice, Bryan. It's foolish to just let it sit in the garage. Maybe you and Brysin should start working on the Charger together. David and Chris spent about two years on the Mustang. Perhaps one day you and Debi can relive some of those special memories in it just as we are doing in the Mustang.
If I didn't know better, and if yo hadn't keptmentioning it, I'd have sworn you were still teenagers, LOL! It's good though; you should never forget how to have fun, and date nights should always happen from time to time! 🙂
In some ways I'm still a teenager in my head. If only my body could keep up!