Free printable available here. I’ve been resisting it for a quite awhile but the time has come. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and make a daily schedule for myself. I’ve done it in the past during busy seasons of life: attending nursing school when I had a toddler and kindergartner working as…
Dee’s Domestic Dailies
I came up with what I hope will be a daily routine which can be accomplished in about an hour and will leave my house in reasonably good condition each day. make bed swish and swipe master bathroom * take wastebasket and load of laundry downstairs empty wastebasket into kitchen trashcan (and other downstairs wastebaskets…
Back to Flylady?
It’s been a week since I mentioned my plans to implement a summer routine. I’d like to say I have it all worked out and it’s going just swimmingly. But I can’t. It seems that my days vary so much that it’s hard to come up with a consistent schedule. I think I’m just going…
A summer routine
It’s funny how, even though it’s been years since I was in school, summer still feels like a time to change up my usual routine. With warmer temperatures and longer days, winter routines seem out of place. I’ve been thinking about this the past week or so and am working on coming up with a…
Daily rituals
I don’t really like the idea of a schedule. “Routine” sounds a little better but also a bit boring. But “ritual” has a pleasant, soothing connotation for me. Over the past few weeks my evening porch time has developed into a ritual of sorts. After all my evening responsibilities are taken care of, I pour…
Domestic Diva – Monday Tasks and Stormy Weather
Do you have a housekeeping schedule? I used to but in the past few years it’s become more of a general routine – a very, very loose routine – than a schedule. As I’ve written here before, I’d like to develop a new routine/schedule but it hasn’t happened yet. I do, however, have a short…