Oklahoma is one heck of a place in the springtime. One minute you can be driving along the highway admiring the dense carpet of wildflowers and the next you are in a deluge dodging tornadoes. Last Wednesday we went to Oklahoma City for the Clutch/Mastodon concert. We were supposed to meet up with musician friends…
Oklahoma, my home
Friends in other parts of the country ask how I can bear to live in a place with such a high risk of tornadoes and I totally get where they are coming from. The destruction that took place in Moore, Oklahoma yesterday is truly overwhelming and the scenes of distraught parents waiting to hear whether…
Domestic Diva – Monday Tasks and Stormy Weather
Do you have a housekeeping schedule? I used to but in the past few years it’s become more of a general routine – a very, very loose routine – than a schedule. As I’ve written here before, I’d like to develop a new routine/schedule but it hasn’t happened yet. I do, however, have a short…