Well, here I am doing this quite late again. In fact, if I want to meet the deadline to link up to Leigh Kramer’s “What I’m Into” I’ve got less than 2 hours. Better hurry!
Trips and Fun Stuff
I wish I had something to put in this section but the truth is that between my asthma attack and David’s cold, we didn’t go anywhere for about three weeks after returning from New Orleans. We finally went out for some live music after our big family Thanksgiving meal at my cousin’s and I can’t tell you how nice it was to actually get out and see some friends. I am a rather extreme introvert and generally quite happy at home but three weeks tested even my limits. And here I am stuck at home again because of the snow and ice. Ah, well. As my grandmother used to say all the time, this, too, shall pass.
Around My Home
You might think with all the time I’ve had at home I’ve probably got a lot of projects done. You’d be wrong but I can understand why you might think that. I’ve only *just* started feeling like my normal self following that rather lengthy asthma attack. I was doing good to just stay on top of laundry, cooking, and general daily housework. But I have high hopes for December!
Reading – Books and Blogs
I haven’t gotten around to reading any more of Forever Chic – by Tish Jett, the book I’m supposed to be reading for our French Chic book club. Must get back to it!
I picked up a book in New Orleans which I’ve been reading:
The 4th and, sadly, final season of Tremé started a week ago Sunday. I have bought the first and second seasons on DVD so David and I re-watched those this past month. I intended to buy the third season, and I will, but we didn’t get through all of the second season before the new season started. This is our favorite show and it always makes us homesick for *our* city. It’s fun to see so many places and people we know. Several friends have had small parts in the show.
Listening – Music
I’ve been listening to my Change of Seasons Spotify playlist a lot this past month. I always have an ongoing playlist to which I add songs as I think of or find songs I like. I used to do one each month but this one has been going on since the beginning of October. It may well be one of my favorites so far. If you have Spotify you can see it here.
I’ve also been adding to my Christmas playlist.
Food – Recipes, Restaurants and Grocery Hauls
I’m trying to think if we’ve been out to a restaurant since we got home from New Orleans. Hmm…nope. David picked up food from our favorite Italian restaurant one night and he got pizza this weekend. I’m due for a nice dinner out soon, don’t you think?
On This Blog
12 Things You May Not Know About Me
A Glimpse of New Orleans
Thanksgiving #1 (with cousins)
Thanksgiving #2 (with kids)
November has been a really quiet and low-key month for us as we recuperated. But as soon as this snow and ice clears up we’ll try to make up for lost time.
Check out other “What I’m Into” posts linked on Hopeful Leigh and if you blog you can add your own.
Don’t forget the give-away. I’m going to extend the deadline for entering until Wednesday, December 18th because I’ve not taken the time to promote it very well and I want to give everyone an opportunity to enter. If you would like a chance to win, leave me a comment on this post. Be sure there is an email associated with your name so I can contact you if you win.
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