It’s the first day of February. Do you know what that means? That’s right. New selections for the LWD Book Club! It’s also the beginning of a new theme for LWD blog posts.
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February’s theme here on Life With Dee includes frugal living and “going green”. There is so much overlap between these two topics that it only made sense to do them both together.
This month’s LWD Book Club selections all reflect the monthly topics this time.
I have read another of Sophie Uliano’s books, “Gorgeously Green” and enjoyed it. It’s no longer available on Amazon although you might be able to find it in your library. Instead I selected “Do It Gorgeously“, a handbook of sorts on how to make less toxic and less expensive products yourself. I’m looking forward to learning more about this DIY aspect of going green.
This next book was written by Beth Terry. She blogs at MyPlasticFreeLife, formerly known as Fake Plastic Fish. My daughter, who blogs at Retro Housewife Goes Green, became acquainted with Beth through a green blogging group several years ago. Beth included an essay about Lisa in this book and then invited her to speak with her at an event in Tulsa a few years ago. I went with her and we both had the honor of meeting Beth, going out to dinner with her after the event and then back to her hotel room where the three of us talked until 1 a.m. It was as though we had all been friends for ages. If you’re interested, you can read the blog post I wrote about it here: Plastic, Wikipedia and Field Trips.
Many, many years ago when I quit my job as a R.N. case manager for a hospice company in order to homeschool our kids, I was highly motivated to cut expenses. After all, our income had been cut in half. That’s when I discovered The Tightwad Gazette books. Back then there were three of them and I own them all. Now they are available all in one book. Convenient and frugal! I consider this the bible of frugal living. Some of the ideas are pretty out there for my taste and these days I’m much more interested in eating a healthy, mostly organic diet than is reflected in this book. Still, there are hundreds and hundreds of worthwhile ideas contained in these pages.
If you have any favorite books on frugal living or going green, leave me a comment and I’ll include them on the resource page I’ll do at the end of the month.
I love that you theme out your reading by month- great idea! I read the Tightwad books years ago, and you are right- being frugal and green do go hand in hand- the re-use and recycling concept is huge for both- I became a kind of pack-rat a bit though as I always knew I could use something again, and I am no longer like that- I purge way more often, although it is neither good for the environment or my wallet!
You bring up a great point. I have pack-rat tendencies myself and can usually come up with a reason to keep things. One thing that helps me now is that we have a Re-Use Center in town that will take virtually anything useable and people can come get whatever they want totally free. Knowing that I’m giving something to someone who needs it makes it easier to part with things.